Monday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30


379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Affordable Housing FAQs and Timeline

NJ is broken down into different regions

  • Each region is evaluated and are based off of the median income 
    • A low income unit is 50% or less of median income 
    • A moderate income unit is between 50% and 80% of median income

Affordable housing does not mean section 8 or subsidized housing

Region 3 (somerset, middlesex, hunterdon)

  • The round of development has to have 50% of the units be low income and 50% of the units moderate income housing
  • Region 3 has the highest moderate income housing in the state 

Apply for Affordable Housing

For information regarding the availability of affordable housing units in Hillsborough, and guidance on how to qualify for or rent an affordable housing unit, please contact the Township’s Administrative Agent – Patricia Gallagher, at CMEAssociates (732) 462-7400 x1030 or


To be considered for rental units, please download a preliminary application and follow the instructions.

Currently Accepting Applicaitons

The Hillmont

Submit an application and join the Hillsborough rental rental waiting list:
