News & Media
Township News
Visit our YouTube channel
YouTube allows people to discover, watch and share videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators large and small.
Hillsborough Township’s YouTube channel is home to videos from events held by the Township, videos of Township Meetings and our very own web television series, “Hillsborough – The Good Life!”. The benefit of YouTube is sharing! Please share our videos.
How do I sign up? You don’t need a YouTube account to view our videos. Just visit our YouTube page. If you want to be notified when we put up new videos, sign up for a YouTube account so you can subscribe to our channel.
Community Photo & Video Corner
Visit us on Flickr to browse our albums and photos
Flickr is a photo gallery site. The Hillsborough Township photo gallery has multiple albums. Within each collection are sets related to a particular category. Hillsborough’s photo galleries are set up in various collections: Community Photo Corner, Township Committee Meetings, Hillsborough Business Association, and more.
How do I sign up? You don’t need an account to view our photographs on Flickr. Just visit our Flickr page to see our photo collection.
Social Media